
Translation: "extra-fresh pure". This has a very clean, almost astringent taste... think mouthwash. I like the aftertaste - it leaves my mouth feeling, as they say, extra fresh.

Of course it falls into the minty category. The paste appears very similar to Aquafresh - but its taste is nothing like that! Odol-med3 is made in Germany and may not be available elsewhere.

The glowing ice on the package might not be something you'd see in America; for some reason, ice and toothpaste are not a natural combination here. But I think that pairing is a good one.

My friends John & Amy, who live in Germany, sent this one over. (Thank you!)


Tim R said…
lol it IS aquafresh! this made in the factory in slough .. S.E England .. one of our supports works there!
paulmerrill said…
Hey Tim - thanks for visiting this site.

It tastes really different than American Aquafresh, anyhow. But it does look the same!
RJP said…
Odol-Med3 is available in other countries such as Hungary, and also in other European countries as "Odol 3Dent"
Paul S said…
The original Odal factory was in Norwich UK, but on closure the label was sold on.

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