
Parodontax is a lovely pink paste from England, by way of Belgium. It has become my new favorite paste. The salty flavor, similar to a baking soda paste, is refreshing without being sweet. (I get so sick of really sweet American toothpastes.) And I appreciate its flouride. The manufacturer's website states that it: "contains natural herbs such as rathania, chamomile, echinacea, mirra, mint and salvia." It's made by GlaxoSmithKline , a giant global pharmaceutical corporation. However, it's not a global brand for the mega corporation. The only place to get it in the US is from obscure importers like Smallflower . The package is completely in Dutch and French. The only English is "Parodontax is a registered trademark of the GlaxoSmithKline group of companies." Helpful information from the inside of the box: Plaque is an important cause of irritated gums. - Healthy gums don't bleed while brushing - Irritation of the gums is primarily caused ...