This one hails from Dubai. For those of you who need a refresher in geography, that's a small country in the Arabian Peninsula. It's very wealthy and boasts the largest man-made spiral island I know of. Anyhow, Dabur is a brand from India. I bought it in Nairobi, Kenya, so this tube was made for Africa and the Middle East. The other side of the tube is English. This one's Basil flavor . Surprisingly, it does not taste like Italian food. In fact, the taste is quite refreshing. It is a chalky green, though - so I don't think it would sell very well in these old United States. I love the flavor, though. It's a great palate cleanser to ready the mouth for enjoying something different after a sugary snack. I've also bought this same flavor with the toothpaste made in Uttar Pradesh, India. The packaging was bilingual: French and English.