Veldent Extreme Awake Toothpaste

I love the often rough translations into English on the packaging of international toothpastes.

Veldent, from Thailand, has several interesting choices in their marketing messages:
  • "Nutrition Toothpaste" would imply something you could eat in North American English. Thai English might convey a different meaning.
  • The "Extreme Awake" flavor does not seem to relate to a sleep prevention stimulant, like caffeine. After I ran the website through Google Translate, they claim the toothpaste "awakens your mood in every beginning of each day."
  • Apparently, moisture in the mouth is a thing in Thailand: "Helps increase the moisture in the mouth." (This might be a great toothpaste if you suffer from a dry mouth.)
  • On the box, one of the active ingredients is listed as cyclodextrin, which sounds a bit scary. Wikipedia says it "confers solubility and stability" to other drugs - which would not make it an active ingredient but rather an enhancing ingredient, maybe for the contained vitamins B12, C and E.
Veldent toothpaste
This paste is "rock mint flavor." The taste is very strong - almost medicinal. Some toothpastes have such subtle flavors that I almost feel like I need to brush my teeth twice to get a truly clean feeling. That's not true for Veldent Extreme Awake!

The product designers chose the color of the paste to be light blue with a slightly green tint. It makes for a great color combination with the yellow tube and orange cap.

Special thanks to Marti Wade, who very kindly brought this back after a visit to Thailand.


Unknown said…
I just got this toothpaste as a present from Thailand, thx for your information it was very helpful since as you said the english they use in their box its kind of weird.

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