Corpore Sano from Spain

This lovely paste comes to me courtesy of the Camino de Santiago - in English, "the Way of St. James" - a pilgrimage walk across the north of Spain.

How did a walk provide me with toothpaste? Actually, a walker did - my friend Jim Kok. He made this lifetime journey last year and very kindly returned with a tube in hand.

Corpore Sano is a lightly minty green paste that Jim picked up at a Spanish pharmacy. (I have found many interesting toothpastes of the healthy/natural variety in European pharmacies.) Corpore Sano is Latin for "a sound body." On the tube, three main ingredients are featured: myrrh, propolsis and fennel. I'll quote from the box: Myrrh's essential oil "is astringent and stimulating." Propolsis "purifies and strengthens, improving mouth hygiene." Fennel "also acts as a stimulant and tonic."

Interestingly (see photo inset), the paste was also packaged for Japan! I have not seen Corpore Sano in any stores in the States. The tube has English on one side and Portuguese and Spanish on the other. Their website has a limited description of the paste and only lists an email address for US distribution.

I enjoy how the logo illustrates The Garden of Eden. Apparently, living a healthier life will take you closer to the experience of living there. (I must admit that when I brush with Corpore Sano, I don't feel much closer to what it might feel like to live in The Garden of Eden.) The slogan over the logo reads, "salud y belleza natural," or "natural health and beauty." I do vouch for the idea that brushing with fewer chemicals is probably better for your health.


Linda said…
It looks very interesting, I have never seen this, and I agree that brushing with fewer chemicals is a good idea.

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